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As I begin writing this article, it’s Thanksgiving Day.  Elizabeth and I are blessed and thankful that our daughter and son and their families, including 5 grandchildren, are with us for the holiday.  As I think of all the reasons I have to be thankful, I am reminded of the many ways God has...

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Are you blessed?  Most of us would undoubtedly say “yes” without hesitation.  But as we think about why we are blessed, what comes to mind?  Many, if not most of us, would list family, health, jobs, houses, etc.  While these things certainly are blessings that we should be thankful for, are they...

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O Lord, How Long?

Only a few more days and 2020 will be over.  What a year this has been.  It can’t end soon enough.  It’s been stressful for me, and I know it’s been stressful for you. Psalm 6 is called “A Prayer of Faith in Times of Distress.”  In it David recounts a stressful time in his life.  Notice the...

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Don't Worry

We are living in challenging times!  As this Coronavirus COVID-19 sweeps across the world, its effects are being felt by every nation and potentially every family on earth.  The unimaginable changes that have taken place in our society have left us perplexed and afraid.  We wonder if our...

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Rise Up and Build

Nehemiah 2:18 reads… “So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.” This very familiar passage caught my attention recently in a way it never has before.  No doubt it is because of the Forward Capital Campaign we are currently in and the vision that has...

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Continue the Legacy

Gunselman, Prevatt, Sharp, Breakfield, Boyd, Patton, Chastain, Starling, Grimes, Rose, Brown, Barton, Smith, Stutzman, and Feagin.  Some of these names may be familiar to you, while others may not.  They are just a few of the people who worked so diligently in the early days to make CFBC a...

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Forward Capital Campaign

Forward Capital Campaign Building on a Legacy In 1956 a small band of faithful men and women began with a dream and a rented campground. That dream would grow into a reality of service for generations. In 1965, seventy-eight acres of land were purchased in Eustis, Florida and the Central...

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Forward Capital Campaign: Phase 1

Forward Capital Campaign: Phase 1 Construct a New Girls’ Cabin Duplex design with 2 separate sleeping quarters that share a large common room. Each side sleeps 18 campers in bunk beds and 2 counselors in twin beds. Each side...

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Forward Capital Campaign: Phase 2

Forward Capital Campaign: Phase 2 Replace 6 Oldest Boys' Cabins with 3 Cabins of the New Design Remove the oldest 6 boys' cabins (all except Eagles' Nest). Construct 3 new boys' cabins using the same design as the girls' cabin constructed in Phase 1. Repurpose Eagles' Nest cabin into Staff...

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Forward Capital Campaign: Phase 3

Forward Capital Campaign: Phase 3 Expand the Barton Chapel Increase the seating capacity to approximately 275. Add 2 interior storage rooms for chairs and game tables. They can also be used as prep rooms for camper skits and talent shows. Increase the "stage" size to create more area for...

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Book It!

Did you know that Central Florida Bible Camp has become a very popular retreat spot?  It’s true.  Over the past few years, CFBC’s campus has seen increasing popularity among denominational church groups and secular groups, such as the Girl Scouts and local schools.  In fact, last year...

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