Rise Up and Build
Nehemiah 2:18 reads… “So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.”
This very familiar passage caught my attention recently in a way it never has before. No doubt it is because of the Forward Capital Campaign we are currently in and the vision that has been set by the Board to improve the camp’s facilities. While this story is not a direct parallel (the camp is NOT in shambles or in distress—lol), it does offer some interesting thoughts that apply well today.
First of all, when Nehemiah realized the need for improvement of the walls of Jerusalem, he prayed fervently that God would be merciful and attentive to those needs (Neh. 1:4-11). He realized as we should also, that without God’s sanction and blessing, no effort on his part could be truly successful. This project was massive. Without God’s strength and power behind it, it was doomed for failure.
Second, he formulated a plan to address the needs and then set that plan into motion (2:1-10). Authority was granted, resources were gathered and preparations to begin work was made. If God is behind a good work, success is assured.
Third, he presented the need and the plan to the people and encouraged them to commit themselves to be involved (2:11-18). Big projects require lots of help. God’s people must do their part. Our hands are His hands to get His works accomplished.
Over the past two years, CFBC’s largest Capital Campaign ever—the Forward Capital Campaign—has gone from a dream in the minds of a few, to a realizable vision. Much prayer and planning have gone into this effort so far, but there is much left to do.
When Nehemiah presented the need and plan to the people of Israel, they caught the vision, got on board, and went to work. With God’s help, they completed the wall in only 52 days (6:15). Amazing!
Now I’m not expecting us to complete the work on all three Phases of our improvement projects in 52 days—I’d be thrilled with 52 months! But I am hopeful that all of you—our CFBC family—will get on board and support this effort in every way you can. May we say, as those in Nehemiah’s day said, “The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build” (Neh. 2:20)