About our Camp
Fun, Friends and Faith
Programs and activities during CFBC’s summer camp sessions focus on three areas important to a child’s spiritual development:
Fun, Friends and Faith.

Central Florida Bible Camp is all about FUN!
Let’s face it, if summer camp is not fun, children will not come. Campers have the opportunity to participate in arts and crafts, various individual and group games, swimming, fishing, paintball, hiking, hayrides, contests, talent shows, etc. There is never a dull moment. One of the newest, and arguably most fun, activities on campus is our zip line that runs all the way across the lake. It is awesome!

Central Florida Bible Camp is all about FRIENDS!
Even if someone comes to camp not knowing anyone, they leave having scores of new friends. It is not uncommon for some of these to become lifelong relationships. Just ask Amanda and Hector. She asked him to marry her while they were hiding from campers on the roof of the Dining Hall during a night-time game of Counselor Hunt! More common, however, are the relationships that kids form with each other and with mature Christian adults, often from their home congregation. The latter often become ongoing mentoring relationships that help a child develop into the strong Christian leaders we pray they become.
Central Florida Bible Camp is all about FAITH!
No matter where a child is on their spiritual journey (and even for those who don’t KNOW they are on a spiritual journey), our goal is to help them develop a closer relationship with God. For some, it’s their first introduction to the Bible and the Christian lifestyle. For others, it’s helping them grow in the Christian graces. For nearly 30 campers each summer, it’s making the most important decision of their young lives – putting their Lord on in baptism. During a single week of camp, opportunities for individual spiritual growth abound. There are Bible classes, cabin devotionals, chapel services, times of prayer and meditation, campfire devotionals, and lots of singing. Additionally, a spiritual emphasis is woven into nearly every activity on campus. Take, for example, our new low-ropes challenge course. Following a period of teamwork and problem-solving to overcome a physical challenge, groups discuss lessons learned and how they apply to life, as well as to their relationship to God. Like so many things at CFBC, it’s a wonderful time of fun, challenge and spiritual growth.
Summertime is not the only time folks can experience Fun, Friends and Faith at Central Florida Bible Camp. Our 100-acre campus hosts many faith- and relationship-building activities throughout the year. Check out our Calendar of Events and register for our free e-Newsletter. Become part of the CFBC family!

Ron Brackett
Ron and his wife, Elizabeth, have been associated with Central Florida Bible Camp since 1973 when they first served as counselors for the newly formed "Gold Coast Week." In 1975 Ron assumed the role of Coordinator for that session, which eventually became known as "Brackett Week." In 1979, Ron was also added to the Board of Directors and then appointed Camp Director in 2008. Ron and Elizabeth attend the Orange Avenue church of Christ in Eustis.
Our Facilities
Our facilities include
12 air-conditioned cabins
An air-conditioned chapel
Air-conditioned dining hall and kitchen
Arts & crafts building
Beautiful gazebo
Four shelters
Staff living quarters & clinic
Office Building & Maintenance Building
Recreation facilities include
Sports Pavilion
Swimming pool and bath house
Athletic field
Small Group Activities
Campfire pits
Hiking & Hayride Trail
CFBC Supervised Activities
CFBC Facilitated High Ropes Elements
CFBC Facilitated Low Ropes Team-Building Elements
And plenty of outdoor space for a variety of activities and group games.