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O Lord, How Long?

  • Ron Brackett

Only a few more days and 2020 will be over.  What a year this has been.  It can’t end soon enough.  It’s been stressful for me, and I know it’s been stressful for you.

Psalm 6 is called “A Prayer of Faith in Times of Distress.”  In it David recounts a stressful time in his life.  Notice the feelings he expresses: rebuked, chastened, weak, troubled, weary, tearful, grief-stricken and weeping.  Sound at least a little familiar?

Perhaps we haven’t experienced all of these emotions this year, nor have they been brought on for the same reasons.  David seems to be vexed by his own sin and pressure from his enemies, whereas much of ours is likely a result of concerns about sickness and dying or business closings and losses of jobs — things not brought on by our own misdeeds.

But the stress is still the same.  It wears us down, discourages us, weakens us, and causes grief, tears and doubt.  How long will it continue?  How long, O Lord?

Well, only the Lord knows the answer to that question.  Hopefully, 2021 will be better, but there is no guarantee.  The uncertainty that has plagued us this year might continue well into the next.

What if it does?  How do we deal with continued uncertainty and stress?  The same way David did.  Despite the uncertainty of life, as God’s people we can rely on the certainty of God.  Notice how David expressed the certainty of God’s awareness and concern for us:

8 For the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping.
The Lord has heard my supplication;
The Lord will receive my prayer.

Did you see it?  He “HAS heard” and He “WILL receive.”  There is NO DOUBT God listens and responds to His people.  Although uncertainty is an integral part of this world, it disappears when we turn toward God and rely on Him.

Whatever this world has in store for us this next year, let’s remember to put our trust in God and rely on the certainty of His continued loving care.  God cares (1 Peter 5:6-7), and He will provide.  Of that we can be sure.